T-Minus four days until we travel to New Dehli, India for the 41st ICEFAT meeting!
We’re proud to be ICEFAT members and wear their logo on our apparel. The ICEFAT logo is a sign of excellence, accountability, and credibility. However, few people outside of art logistics know of ICEFAT and the important role it plays in the global art market. We thought we might give our readers a little insight.
ICEFAT is an acronym for the International Convention of Exhibition and Fine Art Transporters. It is a democratic organization comprised of 71 of the finest art transportation companies in the world. The annual meeting is more than a convention; it is an opportunity for our members to strengthen the relationships and best practices that quite literally keep fine art moving around the world. This year we look forward to working with our partners and attending presentations on European Standards, Crating Innovations, and a panel discussion on “The State of Our Industry.”
SRI maintains a strong commitment to high-quality standards in art logistics for our clients. ICEFAT provides us with access to a global network of similarly-minded, vetted companies that we count on to handle art world-wide with the same level of excellence as we do. When we ship work to Austria, our friends at MuseumsPartner operate with the same attention to detail as we do at SRI. To and from Spain, we work exclusively with Edict because we know that they have exacting standards. When we have imports and exports to Singapore, we work with Helu-Trans – one of the finest art logistics company in Asia. Through ICEFAT and our annual conventions, we know our international partners personally and have visited many of their facilities. All of this is critical to ensuring that we take care our clients’ collections as they move around the world.
We’re proud to be ICEFAT members and look forward to meeting with our fellow members in New Delhi next week!