Making our clients happy makes us happy. We pride ourselves on going the extra mile. And, sometimes that means thinking outside of the box to meet the unique needs of the art world.
Recently, a client saw an artwork in our private viewing room. While the client loved the piece, they weren’t sure if the scale of it would work in their space. Our SRI team, which is made up of amazing and talented artists and fine art professionals, was quick to take on the challenge to help the client figure out if it would work (and by proxy, help the the seller close the deal). They brainstormed an idea: create a to-scale maquette that could be installed on-site at the client’s location so they could see if the piece would work for them.
One of our incredibly talented art handlers created the maquette the next day. After sketching the model, they used foam core, wire, and paint to create a to-scale maquette. Once finished, it was delivered and installed by our handlers at the client’s location. For the client, nothing beat the ability to see how the scale of the piece would work in their space. It was love at second sight. The client was able to see how the maquette (and thus artwork) related to their space and purchased the work. The result? A happy client. And a happy seller.
None of this would be possible without having a team of dedicated professionals who think like artists because they ARE artists. Going the extra mile for our clients is just a part of our DNA. We realize that the purchase of artwork is very personal to both the buyer and seller, and we love being a part of the process.